Individual Therapy
You’ve worked hard to get to where you are but find yourself asking “is this as good as it gets?”. The anxiety becomes overwhelming, making it hard to stay focused and get things done. You feel misunderstood by those closest to you and you just want to be accepted for who you are. You put the needs of others before your own and this has left you feeling invisible and unappreciated.
Whether this has been going on for a long time or it’s a cycle you keep coming back to, you’re probably at wit’s end. You might find yourself getting irritated when things don’t go as planned. Or perhaps you quickly get fuelled by anger and go from 0 to 100 within a matter of moments. The day-to-day grind can be exhausting, and it makes sense that you go into autopilot just to get through. When it feels like too much, you might find yourself zoning out. The same old pattern keeps happening over and over and you feel stuck and unable to change.
Let’s face it, change is uncomfortable and scary.
I want you to know that there is a way out.
In our work together I will support you to pay attention not only to your thoughts and feelings but to your body as well. You might be familiar with the thoughts that loop in your head, but less aware of the connection to your body. The tightness in your chest or knot in your stomach may seem to come out of nowhere, but it’s your body’s way of getting your attention.
You might be wondering why this is important.
Maybe you’ve attempted different types of therapy, or even read some self-help books. Perhaps you’ve tried positive thinking, but no matter what you tell yourself that anxious energy coursing through your body just won’t go away.
I know the pain that you feel isn’t only “in your head”.
Sometimes changing our thinking doesn’t change how we feel inside. Focusing on the connection between the mind, body, and spirit can be powerful. By getting out of our heads and into our bodies we can learn to speak its language.
We all need to feel safe and secure and when we do, we can feel alive and free. With my support, you will gain trust in yourself and confidence to choose the life you want to live. Your longing to reconnect to yourself and the people in your life is within your reach.
Click below to book a session or schedule a free consultation to see how I can help.
(289) 802-4480
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